I’ve always loved reading and writing. Like many authors, I’ve been writing since I was a child. I have boxes of “stories” I created during my childhood through my college years. After becoming a teacher, getting married, having 2 kids and teaching for 15 years, I decided to follow the dream that I’ve had since childhood: becoming a published author.
I’m a doer, not a dreamer. I think things through carefully and do my research, but once I make a decision, I give it everything I’ve got. So even though I didn’t know anything about the publishing world, I knew I would do anything to make my dream happen. I would not give up. (I’m also stubborn by nature.)
So, how has the publishing world changed me in the four years since I took that first step in deciding that I wanted to write a book?
The numbers:
*8 self published books with 7 more coming this year.
*2 series.
*Over 60,000 books sold.
*5 successful Kickstarter campaigns, raising over $72,000 for my books!
Maybe more important than the numbers, though, is how becoming a self published author has changed ME as a person.
Self publishing has pushed me out of my comfort zone again and again. My confidence in myself has grown as I’ve taken risks and done things I’ve never done before.
Self publishing forced me to learn about marketing, something I knew nothing about and had no experience in. I’ve spent countless hours and invested lots of dollars to learn how to sell books.
Self publishing has helped me build relationships with people from around the world who are different than I am and who are making my life better.
Self publishing has challenged my patience level (low to begin with)! It has reminded me that there are things that are out of my control: printing delays, waiting for editing and illustrating, Amazon ads stopping for no reason, 1-star reviews on Amazon- you name it, I’ve had it happen. I can’t control other people. I have to wait when I can’t afford to. It happens. That’s business. It’s been a good life lesson for me to learn again and again.
Self publishing has taught me to ask for help. I’m self motivated and independent. I like to do things myself (have I mentioned that I’m controlling?). But…I’ve learned to delegate over the years and to ask for help. Even when I don’t want to “bother” people. Even when I’m sure people will think I’m stupid. Even when I have to pay. I’ve learned to give my time to the things I’m good at- the things that only I can do (write books) and to give my money to the people who are experts at the things I’m not good at (building websites). It was an expensive lesson for me to learn, but very valuable.
What has following your dreams taught you?
If I could give you any advice, it’d be this: life is short. It’s a cliche, but it’s true. Do you have a dream? Something that you’ve always wanted to do? Find a way to do it! Is it expensive? Find a way to raise the funds! Feel like you’re already too busy? Make a plan and take one small step each day. Don’t know how to get started? Find someone to help you! A good place to start is on Facebook- there are groups for everything on there!
Reach out with any questions- I’m happy to help!